After a disaster help from the authorities will come but they cannot reach everyone in a short time. It could take hours or days before you will get help. In case you will have to evacuate, you probably won’t have ...

Purinize offers a water purification solution that is decidedly different from the previous two purifiers we’ve discussed so far. The most obvious distinguishing feature is that it comes in liquid form. As a result, instead of counting pills when making ...

When putting together a survival kit, everyone knows to include food, water and some kind of shelter. But besides waterproof matches, iodine tablets and a flashlight with spare batteries, what extras do you need? Toiletries Especially if you aren’t roughing ...

Like any mom on the go, you’ve got tons to manage at once. Whether it’s taking care of your kids, or taking care of yourself, choosing from the best quality backpacks can make all the difference in the world. And ...

Among survivalists it’s called a “Go Bag” or “Bug Out Bag”, or just “BOB”, but no matter what you call it, it could be your most essential piece of survival gear. It is basically a large survival kit that’s filled ...

When assembling your 72 hour emergency kit, you may find that you have some wiggle room to fit additional items, so consider adding herbal remedies here that you can create on your own. Remember, emergencies can be unpredictable and you ...

When you’re faced with an impending disaster the question often becomes “should I stay or should I go?” There really is no definitive answer, because it all depends on “what’s coming” and how prepared you are to deal with it. ...

Create a 72 hour emergency food kit for under $10! The unthinkable can happen when we least expect it. Whether it’s a natural disaster, political instability, or a viral outbreak, we can’t always rely on our governments or the good ...

Bugging out is a last ditch option in times of need, yet a situation that one should consider. However, families all over the country are forced from their homes every day due to fires, natural disasters, evacuations and localized issues. ...

How do you prepare for the worst? Read our tips on how to create and store your emergency pack. The 72-hour emergency kit, 96-hour kit, or my favorite “bug out bag” is the first BIG thing to put on your ...